Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Blog #11

 Social media. Nowadays, everyone has one. Your mom, your dad, your grandmother, heck even your dog could have a social media. Social media nowadays is so accessible that quite literally everyone can use it. Hell, even aliens could probably find a way to function with it. With that being said, there are plenty of ups and downs about social media.

To start out, the importance of ones online digital footprint is extremely important. I think we've all heard the stories of people who got fired or didn't get a job because of a tweet or statement they made online in the past that today offended someone. This is a serious matter as it costs people jobs, and money every day. A more lighthearted example of this would be when University of North Carolina's Mitchell Trubisky entered the 2017 NFL Draft. Trubisky, a top draft prospect that year, had several questionable tweets that he had made back when he was in high school. Which included an infamous tweet "I love to kiss tittiessss." An infamous tweet that will forever live on in NFL lore. Like I said, this was a more lighthearted example of someone having a tweet they probably aren't super proud of come up in the public eye. As for my own online footprint, it's definitely there but not in a bad way. A simple Instagram page that is privatized, and then a TikTok with a couple stupid videos. 

I think someone who glanced onto my social media could definitely infer a few distinct traits of my personality. For example, you could probably guess by the photos on my Instagram that I'm a social person. I have a lot of photos with me and my friends doing whatever. These photos show off my active social life and friend group. You could also guess by going off of my page that I am a sports fan. There is a couple of photos of me playing lacrosse on my page from high school. You could also guess by what I repost on my story, that I'm an avid football fan and a personal fan of the Baltimore Ravens. I also love former Ravens QB and UD alum Joe Flacco. I'm wacko for Flacco. 

In terms of information I have provided, I have provided my email to plenty of websites throughout the years. Whether it was for confirmation of signup, or whatever reason, plenty of websites have my email. Also, a couple of websites such as Steam, where you can buy video games online, and EA another online video game company, have my credit card information. But those are two huge, multimillion dollar companies that could legally be held accountable if they were to take money from my card without my knowledge. Also, I have my card in the Planet Fitness databanks as I have an active membership I pay for. And I also pay for Disney+ and Apple Music. 

As for isolation, I would say social media partly plays a part. The big issue can be when people don't get informed of a social event, and then there's a video of everyone together having a good time which leaves those who weren't invited to feel left out. There's also those who don't have much of a life and see people who do have a life and they'll get jealous and wonder why they don't. But that's really neither here nor there, it definitely can attribute to feelings of loneliness or isolation, but more likely than not if you're in those situations to begin with you would've felt those feelings of loneliness or isolation regardless. 

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 Luke Lee      4/25/2024 Media Law & Lit Technology and I     I love technology. I always have, and I most likely always will. Everythin...