Thursday, April 25, 2024

Final Blog Post

 Luke Lee    


Media Law & Lit

Technology and I

    I love technology. I always have, and I most likely always will. Everything from the convenience of technology to the innovations that technology brings to the world. I'm not the only person that really enjoys and appreciates technology, as almost the entire rest of the world also seems to agree with me regarding technology. Technology has taken such an important and front center role in today's society that pretty much everyone has some sort of online presence. Today I will be discussing my experience with technology, and how it impacts my life and my own online presence.

It seems like everyone nowadays has social media, or some sort of presence online. Whether that be directly through social media, or personal information such as emails or phone number, there is some sort of link between you and the online world. As for my own online presence, I have exposed myself and certain personal information online. For example, I have my email registered on Snapchat, Instagram, and other various sites. As well as having a phone number connected to Snapchat for backup security measures like a lost password. I alternatively also have a couple of videos on TikTok of me but they're just videos of me rambling about being a washed-up lacrosse player, or a couple of sports related videos that have no relevance to me or any information about me. I've made sure that there is absolutely ZERO content that could compromise me in any way or could be taken out of context to misconstrue or blemish my character. I will say though, if someone screenshots an argument I had online about a various sports take they could react in a couple of different ways. I get personal with my takes. 

In terms of the videos that we watched in "Wonders of Technology" and the "Dark Side" of technology, the truth lies more in the middle. Just like in "Wonders of Technology" suggested, there are a lot of benefits to technology and all the great things it can accomplish. The only thing that will ever hold humanity back is a lack of technology. As we continue to advance technologically, we will continue to advance in all ways of life. With that being said, there are plenty of downsides to technology. Such as FOMO, loneliness, and isolation such as suggested in the dark side of technology. But just like with anything, technology is something that you need to be able to enjoy in doses. That means not sitting in your room all day isolated scrolling on TikTok. That means going outside and touching grass. If you enjoy too much of something, you tend to not appreciate it. Also, you will completely fry your dopamine receptors if you just sit there and do nothing but scroll. Allow technology to be an exciting accessory to your life, not your life as a whole. 

There have and still are plenty of questions regarding humans and technology. Concerns regarding artificial intelligence and online censorship have started to pop up in recent memory. As we enter this new age of technological innovation, how will we deal with these issues? There are plenty of issues regarding technology. Technological advancements have led to the outsourcing of thousands of jobs in the US. As well as any and anyone's information pretty much being accessible to anyone who has a functioning computer and WIFI signal. Unlike in movies, people in real life tend to usually have some sort of common sense, so I don't really believe we're going to fall victim to a world where AI takes over. With that being said, if we're not careful, with all of the information that is floating around and being so easily accessible, people will need to be more careful, but more than likely there will be provisions in place such as advanced internet and bug protection to combat some of the issues that come with advanced AI. 

There are great things, and some not so great things that play together when it comes to technology. Just like with any great thing, you need to use it in moderation, and correctly. While there will always be people who choose to abuse technology and absorb themselves so much into them that it becomes their whole existence. Don't do that, be normal, be active, and live your life with technology, and without it. Being able to balance technology with our lives is why it's there. Once again, let technology be a fun accessory to your life, not life itself. 

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Final Blog Post

 Luke Lee      4/25/2024 Media Law & Lit Technology and I     I love technology. I always have, and I most likely always will. Everythin...