Sunday, April 21, 2024

Blog #9

 When watching the video In the Age of AI, I learned quite a bit. The documentary is a look into the industry of artificial intelligence. There are both positives, and negatives to artificial intelligence. This documentary for the first half hour or so focused on the innovations and the positive side of artificial intelligence. For the second half of the video, they focused more so on the darker side and some of the consequences of artificial intelligence.

One of the biggest misconceptions according to this documentary, is that the lost jobs throughout the years aren't due to offshoring. Infact, offshoring apparently only counts for around 20% of the losses. The other 80% has been due to automation. Many of the easy, mundane work jobs that require low skill levels have been filled out by machines. For example, fifty years ago you could find plenty of work working in a factory putting together whatever they needed you to. Now, a company can just buy a bunch of machines to do it instead. It's a one-time payment, instead of paying someone individually biweekly. This way is a lot less expensive, and a lot less of a risk factor.

The video made it very clear that in the future of automation, there will very likely be no middle class. There will be the poor, and there will be the rich. To quote one of the speakers in the interview; "I'm scared. To be quite honest with you, I'm worried about the future of not just this country, but the entire globe. If we continue to go in an automated system, what are we gonna do? Now I've got people at the top making all the money and I've got no people in the middle who can support a family." That quote itself is a scary one. While obviously that is worst case scenario, how far off are we from that sort of reality? 

But looking at the positive side, the innovation that is artificial intelligence is and has made life better and more convenient. The biggest argument for why AI is beneficial to our daily lives is the convivence it brings to our daily lives. For example, Alexa, Siri, ChatGPT, and Google Assistant are all examples of AI. AI is able to track down information about us based on what we watch, what websites we go to, and what items we shop for. While some may consider this a negative, and it very well could be a negative, this undoubtedly makes life a lot more convenient because of all the products that pop out in front of us and the recommended media that displays on our screens. 

So, while there are negative qualities of AI, there are definitely positive ones. Just being smart with what you do on the internet and taking the necessary precautions like using a VPN can help keep your security online. Also having burner emails that don't link back to you can be smart when you're viewing something you may not necessarily want on your permanent internet record. 

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 Luke Lee      4/25/2024 Media Law & Lit Technology and I     I love technology. I always have, and I most likely always will. Everythin...