Monday, March 25, 2024

Blog #2

 Blog Post #2

I didn't really know all that much about the Supreme Court before this assignment outside of the standard information everybody knows such as the Supreme Court makes rulings, and the members stay in office until retirement or death. 

To start off with the things I didn't know, the first meeting was all the way back in 1790. I had no idea the Supreme Court went this far back in history. What's even more interesting is that the first case "West v Barnes" was rather insignificant as the matter was over a debt a farmer owed a family. I also didn't know there have been 115 justices who have served on the Supreme Court. Really puts everything into perspective. 

One of if the not most important thing I took away from this article would be the bottom section of the article which went over some of the most notable Supreme Court cases over the last sixty years or so including cases such as Roe v Wade and U.S. vs Nixon. 

The most surprising thing I learned from this article was that the first meeting which was set for February 1st, 1790 was postponed a day until the 2nd because multiple justices had transportation issues. That's not very surprising given the time, just a little bit surprising considering how important this meeting was and how important a lot of these initial justices were.

The article didn't really change anything for me with the Supreme Court. It more so just allowed me to understand them a little bit more and how things work in the Supreme Court. It's a great job that comes with a lot of power and a lot of responsibility. 

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Final Blog Post

 Luke Lee      4/25/2024 Media Law & Lit Technology and I     I love technology. I always have, and I most likely always will. Everythin...